The Professional Consulting Company You Can Rely On

Management Services

SBC Global Consulting offers a full range of management consulting services. What makes SBC Global Consulting unique and what we believe is a strong value-add is that our consulting services address our client's needs from both a macro and a micro perspective. Managers are special people because managing requires understanding and supporting initiatives at the macro-level while ensuring the adherence to initiative-supporting policies and processes at the micro-level. Managers often operate with limited information while leading a team or staff with numerous questions. We show managers how to develop frontline workers, accomplish micro-level goals, and support initiatives at the macro-level without being overwhelmed by the pressures and challenges.

Process Improvement

Process improvement is the key to overall business enhancement and growth. Every business can benefit from enhancing its processes to identify cost-saving alternatives, speed up process lead time, or standardize commonly repeated activities.

We apply Lean Six Sigma methodologies to empower organizations to unveil process improvement opportunities and implement change without disrupting operations.

A man and woman smile at the camera.

Safety Culture Development

Maintaining a safe 21st-century workplace is of the utmost importance to any organization. However, we believe that a safe workplace is only possible if safety is at the foundation and core of the organization’s culture. A poor safety culture results in unnecessary injuries, lost productivity, increased insurance rates, OSHSA citations and fines, litigations, poor brand recognition, and ultimately lost talent and revenue. Our safety culture development and training strategies use qualitative and quantitative methodologies to unveil opportunities to enhance existing safety programs or develop new programs.

Leader - Manager Relationship & Interdependency

SBC Global delivers high-quality Leadership & Management education. We believe that leadership & management program development is an iterative process that must be coherent, evolving, practical, diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Senior leadership and managers are interconnected and interdependent. However, when goals and expectations are not clearly defined, gaps occur. The gaps result in overlapping roles, lost productivity, unnecessary steps, duplicated efforts, and frontline worker confusion. SBC Global works with organizations to define the interconnectivity and interdependency relationship and establish clear parameters to support and accomplish organizational objectives.

International Business Expansion

The global population hovers at 8 billion, and the US population is currently 335 million. Therefore, the US makes up just over 4% of the global population, and approximately 96% of potential new clients are outside America’s borders. SBC Global Consulting believes that there are tremendous growth and expansion opportunities abroad and stand ready to assist organizations with research and analysis to help establish or expand an international footprint.

A woman smiling and wearing a suit.


SBC Global Consulting provides stellar consulting services to municipal, state, and federal government agencies. Municipal, state, and federal agencies are vital to our nation, and SBC Global Consulting endeavours to help agencies reduce waste, improve productivity, and provide quality community services. Federal, state, and municipal agencies operate on tight budgets, and SBC Global Consulting helps them make sound decisions based on verifiable data through Six Sigma and Lean methodologies.

A picture of an american flag with the words " proudly served our country, proudly serving our community ".

Organization Development and Change

SBC Global operates and consults under the premise that Organizational Development and Change (ODC) is a continuous improvement process. Projects, strategies, goals, regulatory requirements, market trends, projections, etc., are all supported by the organization's greatest assets: frontline workers, leaders, managers, and stakeholders. The organization must have clearly defined goals and objectives. Employees, clients, and stakeholders are the lifeblood of an organization; therefore, initiatives require developing its culture in tandem with establishing goals and objectives. Change processes involve:

  • Sharing the organization's vision.
  • Establishing objectives.
  • Clarifying the employee's role.
  • Developing the culture as plans evolve.

Internally, leaders are often unaware of ODC gaps and establish goals and objectives without assessing the organization's culture. The gaps result in poor execution and failed initiatives. SBC Global Consulting supports an organization at the micro and macro levels to establish a phased-in process for change initiatives involving all stakeholders and interactively implementing change without disruptions.

A man sitting down looking at his laptop.

Change Management

It is widely accepted that 70% of change initiatives fail. The failures are not due to the poor feasibility of the change initiative, the cost, or the likelihood of generating the desired results. Change initiative failure causality will vary, but one of the leading causes of failure is poor change management. SBC Global Consulting coaches the organization on how to systemically measure the impact of company challenges to understand and measure the systemic impact of change initiatives. We help the organization understand its culture, the challenges, and the affected stakeholders. We then consult organizations to create systemically managed, phased-in, customizable change initiatives and solutions that generate desired outcomes without disrupting operations.

Global Leadership Development

Global leadership evolves in tandem with the world. The international community is more interconnected and digitized than at any previous time. Leading and developing multinational local or remote teams require cultural awareness, understanding of foreign affairs, and global citizenry. SBC Global Consulting partners with organizations to develop international leaders that can thrive in the 21st century, multicultural workplace.

Two people sitting at a table looking at a laptop.